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International Reverse Phone Lookup Services

If you are not the resident of the United States, but still want to use a reverse phone lookup service, there are websites that offer reverse lookup services to the phone numbers that belong to some particular country. Most of such websites perform reverse lookup exclusively for the landline numbers only. In our experiments, we did not find those websites very reliable though. If you want to try your luck, we have listed the websites that provide a reverse phone lookup service for the respective countries:

Australia – This website provides a free reverse phone lookup service for Australian phone numbers. In this website, you can find any listed or unlisted mobile phone or landline numbers in Australia. – In this website, you can perform a simple reverse lookup for any Australian phone number to identify the missed call numbers.

Canada – This is a lookup service for finding someone quickly in Canada based on their phone number. By entering a 7-digit number in their reverse phone number lookup form, you can get the general listing of that number, whereas, by entering all 10-digits, you can get a specific listing of that particular number.

Germany - For German numbers, you can use a service provided by this website to perform an inverse search of any German phone number.

Mexico – This free Mexico City reverse phone search lets people find a person tied to the number. To begin the search with this service, you just have to enter the number and perform a search.


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